The corymbia in the garden has started to bloom again this summer. This particular one has bright red flowers. Others have pink, white or orange flowers.
The theme set by one of the students for the second-last Geelong class, was to make "a table arrangement without using flowers"; an interesting and slightly counter-intuitive theme given the lead up to Christmas time.
Maree's exercise was to make an ikebana "in a suiban without using a kenzan". She used three Manchurian pear Pyrus ussuriensis branches and an unidentified branch with green leaves. A single large pink Hydrangea sat low within the suiban.
At the beginning of December I attended a Sogetsu meeting where the presenter set the theme with the following instruction: Find something old and make it fresh with your ikebana. Where to start? After thinking of many possibilities I remembered that in the bottom of the sideboard was a silver epergne. It is an art nouveau table-centre designed to hold flowers, that was a wedding present of my father's parents who were married in 1910.
In my childhood it occasionally held Geraniums. I remember them looking like a series of posies. Thanks to my ikebana lessons I now know that there are other possibilities. Ikebana has given me the knowledge that I do not have be limited by the vessel.
It is now serving as a Christmas decoration.
That is, as the supporting structure for displaying Christmas cards. It has become this year's substitute for a Christmas tree. Having been so busy over recent months with the preparations for the 60th anniversary of the Victorian Branch of the Sogetsu School, many things are behind schedule. However, Laurie and I are looking forward to a more relaxing time over the summer months.
A couple of weeks ago, my student Christine, told me an inflorescence on her Strelitzia nicolai had started to open. As she was about to go away for the Christmas holidays she offered me the flowerhead. An offer which I happily accepted. The S. Nicolai in our garden is yet to flower and may still take some years.
The inflorescence has large blue-grey bracts, long white sepals and a bluish-purple "tongue". It grows on a short stem in among the very large leaves and is very heavy. I have only once before been able to use one of these flowerheads as an ikebana subject. That was back in 2003, when I attended a workshop presented by Master Instructor Tetsunori Kawana on the Queensland Gold Coast. My friend who lived there had the nerve to ask a nurseryman for one leaf and flower from a plant that I coveted, growing in the nursery.
This is the ikebana that I made at that workshop. The large leaf, which had autumn tones, curled and draped beautifully in front of the inflorescence.
This is my ikebana after critique by Mr Kawana. His comment was that with such a large and spectacular flower nothing else is necessary. Just careful placement in an appropriate vessel.
I now realise also that the leaf not so much competed with, but hid the beauty of the inflorescence. A very useful lesson.
When I took the inflorescence out of the box in which I carried it home, this above, was the first view I had. And it took my breath away. I was amazed at the geometry of the plant and the mass of white sepals at the centre of the three strong lines. I took this photo after I had removed some of the sepals as they were discolouring with age.
I then took a series of photos of the flower placed in various positions in a heavy ceramic vessel. I finally settled on two images.
This shows the inflorescence from above. The mass of white sepals and the geometry are revealed.
This view shows the basic structure of the inflorescence. The largest of the bracts reaches upward to the right. A second bract points toward the left rear. A third bract is less obvious in the photo. It is reaching forward to the right front. Between the three is the mass of white sepals and blue tongues. The visual mass of the inflorescence balances with the mass of the vessel.
The vessel is by the Victorian ceramicist Graeme Wilkie.
22nd December 2024
During the final term for this year of my Geelong class, I asked the senior students to choose the subject for each week's exercise. At the class on 28th of November the chosen theme was an Ikebana "Showing the lines at the base" and "Using two vessels".
"Showing Lines at the Base" is one of the Sogetsu curriculum exercises. This particular exercise has always made me think about the traditional rikka and seika styles which employ this characteristic. In those styles all the materials arise together from one point before spreading out. The Sogetsu exercise does not have the requirement that all the materials are grouped together. However, it does cause the ikebanist to focus on creating clean strong lines. Usually, it also leads to the creation of a high focal point in the Ikebana.
Helen placed her vessels one behind the other. The main lines are flower stems of New Zealand flax Phormium. The fine mass is one of the Corokia species, with small oval leaves. Helen has added a yellowing New Zealand flax leaf as a colour highlight in the middle of the mass.
Maureen used three flowering stems of Strelitzia reginae that curve toward each other creating an enclosed space. The fine leaves of a single Nandina stem creates a mass that surrounds the flowers. The right-hand stems are set in a black trough that sits on top of the suiban and runs toward the back; but it is very hard to see the trough against the dark background.
Christine stacked two suibans. The lower one is circular and the upper one almost circular with a small concave section on the right side. Her botanical materials are stems of Agapanthus in various stages from bud to opening flower.
Ellie used Grass tree Xanthorrhoea leaves, bundled tightly to create a single line at the base. She added Gerbera flowers as a focal contrast. The two vessels harmonise through their warm-coloured matte surfaces.
It has been a long time coming and we are delighted; even though it is a small flowering. We are fortunate that this tree is tough enough to grow naturally over a wide geographical range from the tropical north of Australia to southern New South Wales. The flowering is especially spectacular because the stems of the panicles are the same bright red as the small bell-shaped flowers. I am hoping that this flowering develops well over the next few weeks.
Two weeks ago the final class for 2024 of my Melbourne class was held in Killingworth near Yea, which is northeast of Melbourne. My student Marcia kindly offered to host our end-of-year event at her property. The theme was "Ikebana at home", with vases provided by Marcia and materials being gathered from the large garden.
The ikebana was arranged on tables on the broad verandah, which created a problem for photography. We needed to hang a sheet as a backdrop, through which the outside light came rather strongly. The result was a degree of silhouetting and an alteration to, and loss of colour.
The students each made two ikebana arrangements. The first was an upright form. Maureen brought attention to an orange-coloured fading New Zealand flax Phormium leaf by using a suiban with an orange interior.
Her second ikebana was a simple form using two single variegated Aspidistra leaves, that she partially shredded, in a pair of matching bottle shaped vases. The rhythm of the multiple lines seem to have a quite calming feeling.
Christine used a number of Elkhorn Platycerium fronds from her garden in her first ikebana. Because of their cascading nature she threaded the base of the leaves through the holes in a curled Monstera leaf, and then into a kenzan. A colour focus was achieved by using a single fading leaf that had a warm light-brown colouring.
In her second ikebana Christine used one fresh and three dried Bird's nest fern Asplenium nidus leaves. The dried leaves are especially hard to secure because the base of the stem invariably has a sharp "U" curve.
In her second ikebana Ellie focused on the colour and pattern variation on the surfaces of three leaves. The fourth leaf provides a counter movement to balance the other three leaves.
This week I was keen to use some of the Strelitzia juncea flowers in the garden before they were damaged by the rain.
The triangle of green lines is made from two stems with the minute leaf margins of this particular form of Strelitzia. I had previously created this triangular form as a mock-up for the recent exhibition of the Victorian Branch of the Sogetsu School. However, in the event, I did not use the idea as I did not have suitable flowers because the Strelitzia plant in the garden had not yet flowered. I have used five flowers in a vertically-tapering form that repeats the overall design. The two tallest flowers face forward and back respectively to achieve the tapering.
The vessel is a mid-20th century Japanese vase.
30th November 2024
Jacqueline's exercise was to make a floor-based arrangement which is to be viewed from above. She used a branch of Camellia and two Monstera leaves.
Marta used a Monstera leaf through which she threaded dark red Rose campion Silene coronaria, flowers, two stems of Matchstick Bromeliad Aechmea gamosepala, and two pink Scabiosa flowers.
Coralie's ikebana started out more complicated than this final appearance. The three flowers in two separate vessels are, on the left: Strelitzia reginae, and at its base Kniphofia; on the right: an opening bud of Agapanthus in front of a Strelitzia leaf.
My challenge was this very highly-decorated vessel by the Victorian ceramicist Chris Pittard. Fortunately, my material was more subtly coloured and did not conflict too much with the vessel. Also, the vessel was large and heavy which meant it could support the weight of the material. To emphasise the seed heads, and keep the vase from toppling over, I have kept them very low in the vessel. A line of two thin branches gives a sense of movement to the ikebana. The leafy material in the middle is Eucalyptus macrocarpa. These leaves are a blue-grey however, I was unable to correct the colour balance of the photo.
Greetings from Christopher
24th November 2024