From Pt Danger it looked like this. You may notice two people in the mid-ground walking down the lawn with their surfboards.
These unusual tiny pink berries gleam with the late afternoon sun coming through them. The berries vary from pale pink through to dark maroon. They grow on the sand dunes and I'm fairly sure are 'Fragrant Saltbush' (Rhagodla parabolica).
This bright orange Eucalyptus Ficifolia (from Western Australia) is growing in the front garden of our next-door neighbour. The tree, which is visible from our terrace, is about twenty feet high and blazes in the late afternoon sun.
And so to New Year.
I made a New Year welcoming arrangement in the entrance of our house in a large Shigaraki vessel. I have used pine, Christmas Lilies and added some red and white 'mizuhiki' (Japanese coloured strings) to create a celebratory atmosphere.
In the living room I used some more Lilies in this cylindrical vase made at Qdos. The branch is from an apple tree and was given to me by a local friend and skilled gardener, Ann-Marie Sullivan. It has some beautiful mustard coloured lichen that contrasts with the freshness of the green and white of the lily flowers.
Best wishes for the New Year 2012.